Sunday, September 25, 2011

A longing for Africa

This morning as I write this I am sitting outside enjoying the coolness of the beginning of fall.  As I sit here I have just finished reading a blog from some of my most dear friends who are in the very place I was only 4 weeks earlier.  They are in the heart of Uganda sharing the gospel encouraging those around them to persevere.

One of the testimonies was about a women that my friends had prayed for a year ago for heart issues and pain.  Enough health issues were present that it was uncertain if she would survive and yet this morning I am encouraged by a picture of Virgil standing with the women he prayed for in 2010 completely healed and delivered.  God is amazing and faithful.

Faithful, interesting word that has been hard on my mind as of late.  What does this really mean? How do we actually accomplish such a feat? I know there is faithfulness to your family, your spouse, your job, your obligations, but do these even measure to the faithfulness that God is asking of us towards him? You see faithfulness is full time.  It is constant exploration into the heart of God.  And yes, just like in a marriage it is also about making mistakes and taking risk in the name of what is good.

Going to Africa was a risk. Going by myself was a risk, no one to help guide me except God.  Total dependence. It was tough at times, but yet I always new that as long as I kept God in the for front of my mind and expectation that He would give me the correct direction for the journey through the Holy Spirit.  But you see faith requires risk! Are you taking risk or playing it safe?  The adventure is in the risk! More later.  Check out for updates from my friends in Africa.