Good evening to all my friends who are following this blog. I have much to tell since my Journey to my arrival here in Kampala this morning. As you know I left Torroro on Monday morning to go to Pastor Hudson’s church in Lugazie. On the way we had the opportunity to stop and see Pastor Moses and Betty’s daughter at her school. It was a great honor and blessing as they allowed me on to the property of an all-girls government school. Lillian was so excited to see us and I had the opportunity to pray with since she has been sick a lot as of late. She wanted some money to buy some little extras and Pastor did not have it so I asked if it would be alright if I gave her some. So I gave her 20000 shillings which is only 8 dollars however you would have thought I had just given her a million dollars. I was also given permission and walked around so I could take pictures. That was quite an honor and normally not allowed.
Orphanage receiving pillows |
When I arrived in Lugazie we ate and then headed to the orphanage where I got to be a part of giving some new pillows to the children. They were so excited. Then we were whisked away to the church for an evening service on an off night since I was coming. Pastor was only expecting 50 but over 200 showed up ready and very hungry. When I preached the anointing was very strong. I told them I wanted to pray for them and before I could even invite them to the stage all 200 rushed the stage. It scared me; I had never seen so many so hungry to receive what God had for them. Many were healed and the service lasted for over 3 hours and only ended because Pastor felt we needed to end so people could go home. I believe they would have stayed all night if given the opportunity. I then went to bed around midnight after going to a family’s home to visit. Then at 4:40 the next morning I was up so we could journey to Kampala to meet up with Pastor Jonah.
I arrived in Kampala in time to take a quick shower and then off to Pastor Jonah’s church to speak to some very needy pastors of encouragement. My heart was torn apart as we arrived at the slums and began to drive down the path to his church. I did not realize his church was right in the middle of the slums. All the things you have heard about and seen pictures of about third world countries were here. Babies with no pants or diapers, crawling on garbage piles. Very ragged and dirty conditions existed everywhere. While the whole way children waving and crying out Mazoomba which means white man. When we arrived I spoke for several hours encouraging the pastors to stand strong. I was over whelmed by how many gave me there names and asked me to pray for them. After the meeting I was quickly whisked away to Daniel A. church.
Getting out of Car to go over to Pastor Jonahs church in the middle of the slums |
This was also tough as I saw the poverty as well as the poverty of spirit on so many. The school now has about 100 students and most do not pay. The offerings are only a couple of dollars each Sunday, not near enough for Pastor to survive. His business does help as well as Juliet’s business. I was invited to dinner at their home and was humbled by the simpleness of their two room home, not much larger than my shed. In spite of it Daniel is a dreamer and I believe is making a difference in the lives of many. As I spoke again to a small group of about 30 I discovered there hunger also for more of God. Once again when the time for prayer came they came wanting more of Jesus as well healing. Many were touched and filled with the freshness of the Holy Spirit.
Inside Daniel A. church preparing for the Word |
I love that you love God's precious people of Uganda. I miss you lots but seeing the pictures helps me to know that what you are doing is exactly what God would want you to be doing. Next time we will go together! Love you, Liz
We miss you and know that you are serving in a mighty way. Praying for you and all the ones you come in contact with as you share the Love of God. Get to be with Liz and girls tomorrow will miss you.
Love, Dad & Mom
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